20 Years of Pokemon from Red/Blue to Ultra Moon/Ultra Sun
All starters, Evolutions, Unknowns, Vivillons and several events
32 Boxes of Pokemon transferred sameday to your Pokemon Home account on Switch or cell phone app
We upload 900+ Shiny or Nonshiny Pokemon to your home account sameday.
We upload 900+ Shiny or Nonshiny Pokemon to your home account sameday.

Gens 1-7
(Shiny OR Nonshiny)
Red, Blue & Yellow
Gold, Silver & Crystal
Sapphire, Ruby & Emerald
Diamond, Pearl & Platinum
White & Black
Y & X
Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
(Shiny OR Nonshiny)
Red, Blue & Yellow
Gold, Silver & Crystal
Sapphire, Ruby & Emerald
Diamond, Pearl & Platinum
White & Black
Y & X
Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
Multiple forms and events - Check the photos/reviews
We try to include most forms/colors but care a lot more about the overall collection
You can still expect stuff like every Unknown, Vivillon
stuff most people don't care about like multiple Floette will be skipped as we need to conserve space for all 32 boxes sent to you.
We will give you the lowest level possible, usually one. Middle or second Evo, 35-70 and the last being 100
We will give you the lowest level possible, usually one. Middle or second Evo, 35-70 and the last being 100
Included in the shiny set:
(Last Updated 8/21/23)
(Last Updated 8/21/23)
Ash Greninja - NONSHINY
Own Tempo Rockruff - Dusk Lycanroc - Nonshiny
Zygarde - 2018 Legends
Movie - Marshadow (NONSHINY)
Solgaleo TCG Tournament - Shiny
Lunala TCG Tournament - Shiny
QR Magearna - Cherish Ball (NONSHINY)
Worlds Meloetta (NONSHINY)
Lunar Shiny Magikarp
Ash's Pikachus Nonshiny's
2018 Spooky Cup Mimikyu - Shiny
Fula City Zeraora (Nonshiny)
Virtual Console Mew - Nonshiny
Celestial Palkia - Nonshiny
Timely Dialga - Nonshiny
Many other undocumented events are included but we lost track of them over time. Both the nonshiny and shiny set have various events or different stats.
How to receive your order:
Phone OR switch
Pokemon Home Premium - make sure to be signed in
10 Minutes of time
When your order is ready We will let you know by email and text. We will ask if it is a good time to get started and send you this guide.
Once your're ready too, we will take your transfer key and it will move our account's Pokemon to yours.
When we are open - most orders are fulfilled within one hour of ordering.

Can you make edits for me?
Should I expect Shiny Locked?
If it was never released in 1998-2019 it will not be included.
Example: Eternal Floette is not included.
If it was never released in 1998-2019 it will not be included.
Example: Eternal Floette is not included.
What should I expect in the shiny or nonshiny set?
once its ready for you to receive; we will reach out. Once completed you will receive a duplicated collection from ours that will have one of every set you selected possible (gens 1-7), various events, forms and stats.
Example: you get the shiny set. Expect a Shiny Palkia and a nonshiny Celestial Palkia.
Shiny Locks will not be included Shiny.
If you get the shiny set, expect a nonshiny Meloetta etc.
Example: you get the shiny set. Expect a Shiny Palkia and a nonshiny Celestial Palkia.
Shiny Locks will not be included Shiny.
If you get the shiny set, expect a nonshiny Meloetta etc.
What are the stats like? Are they competitive?
You will be pleasantly surprised that several will have high or best IV. EV will not be trained. Moves are not always optimized. Use move tutors to relearn forgotten moves, stat items to boost stats and train EV the way that works best with your builds or natures. If you are a casual player you will be very impressed.
You will be pleasantly surprised that several will have high or best IV. EV will not be trained. Moves are not always optimized. Use move tutors to relearn forgotten moves, stat items to boost stats and train EV the way that works best with your builds or natures. If you are a casual player you will be very impressed.
Can I use these Pokemon online without issue?
Yes, once the service is completed these Pokemon permanently transfer to your Pokémon Home account. From there you can transfer them to the games that support them and use them for battles online or offline.
These are duplicated for you to use. Do not use what's included for national/official tournaments meant for people who caught and trained their own teams.
These sort of services should always be used for typical, fun - normal play.
Yes, once the service is completed these Pokemon permanently transfer to your Pokémon Home account. From there you can transfer them to the games that support them and use them for battles online or offline.
These are duplicated for you to use. Do not use what's included for national/official tournaments meant for people who caught and trained their own teams.
These sort of services should always be used for typical, fun - normal play.
What is the Pokemons OT?
Mostly, Ash - event pokemon and others may have different names.
Mostly, Ash - event pokemon and others may have different names.
Can you change the OT for me?
No, sorry. That would require editing and cause issues taking them online.
Can you change a Stat, nature or Pokeball for me?
No, sorry. That would require editing and cause issues taking them online.
No, sorry. That would require editing and cause issues taking them online.
Can you change a Stat, nature or Pokeball for me?
No, sorry. That would require editing and cause issues taking them online.
Will the Pokemon have held items?
No. Pokémon Home does not allow held items.
No. Pokémon Home does not allow held items.
Can I take these to official - national tournaments
😑 These are meant for 'casual' use and duplicated for you to keep.
Do not use what's included for national/official tournaments meant for people who caught and trained their own teams.
When you submit your team's to these tournaments every single aspect is checked - it will show its duplicated which is against current official rules/regulation.
These sort of services should always be used for casual, typical, fun - normal play with friends, family and the normal/current online systems.
Do I need Pokemon for trade?
No, its a transfer - you trade nothing in this. Its a move function that is programmed into Pokemon Home.
Will this really take me minutes to do today?
Yes, make sure to have a Premium Pokémon Home account signed in and set up on your phone or Nintendo Switch. We will message you as soon as your order is ready for you.
I'm Missing a form/gender/shiny after you completed my order.
Would you rather want an Ash Greninja and Shiny Greninja or every color Floette😑?
There is a maximum amount that can be sent to you.
We prioritize forms like Unknown, Vivillon, Legendary's etc.
We need to prioritize many other factors than spamming you with stuff that 90% of people don't care about.
Don't expect shiny locked stuff like Shiny Hoopa.
If you feel you think something is missing, it probably isn't included.
There is a maximum amount that can be sent to you.
We prioritize forms like Unknown, Vivillon, Legendary's etc.
We need to prioritize many other factors than spamming you with stuff that 90% of people don't care about.
Don't expect shiny locked stuff like Shiny Hoopa.
If you feel you think something is missing, it probably isn't included.
Shoot us an email with your order number if you ever need something.
How do you contact me?
When you check out you need to leave an email and phone number. A real person emails/texts you when the service has been completed and ready for you.
Expect to hear from us the day you order, 11-11PDT everyday.
*if you are outside of the US you will get an email*
When you check out you need to leave an email and phone number. A real person emails/texts you when the service has been completed and ready for you.
Expect to hear from us the day you order, 11-11PDT everyday.
*if you are outside of the US you will get an email*