1 Used Authentic cartridge of Pokémon Emerald - New Battery InstalledPreloaded with 386 Pokémon in the PC (Shiny or Nonshiny)
All event items: Old Sea Map, Mystic Ticket, Aurora Ticket & Eon Ticket
Max items
100+ Rare Candy, Lucky Egg, IV boosts Etc.
(check in game PC for more items than the bag can hold)
Completed Pokedex
no box or case included, reach out after you order if you need one.
When you check out there will be an area to send us a message with your order. If you need anything custom you must add it to that message.
We support the following customizations with this game:
Trainer Name - Character player name
(this also changes the code for “OT Name” changing the ownership for all Pokemon in the games PC).
Players Gender - Tell us if you want the trainer to be a Boy or a Girl.
Shiny or Nonshiny Set
Expect a game with either all shiny rarity or nonshiny rarity. We cannot mix and match and do not edit - expect some events to be shiny or nonshiny.
Pokemon who do not have a shiny version will be replaced with a Nonshiny set.
If you need specific items make sure to let us know.

Once we add your order to our queue, we will send you an email when to expect your tracking number.
Most games ship in 4-8 business days. All orders are shipped with USPS from California with a tracking number.
Please allow longer wait times for older games, during holidays or major events affecting the USPS or us.

What am I getting shipped to me?
A Pokemon Emerald originally released for the Gameboy Advance in 2004. We replace the battery installed onto the cartridge. All Pokemon in 2004 preloaded for you to find in the PC. items, Pokedollars and Pokedex are at max.
Do these pokemon work with other games?
Yes! We only sell authentic Pokemon Games at Lootdelivered. We test every game sold in our store before shipping.
Is a box included?
No - just the video game shipped to you, ask us after you order if you needed one.
Many will be “6IV”, EV will not be trained and will be left for you to do. Natures, Moves, etc will be at random and can be tweaked with training, move tutors etc. Levels will be various and uncontrollable, check the pictures for a good idea of what you are getting.
What items are there in my bag
We include all event key items, stuff that you would need to go to the movies in 2004 for. Old Sea Map which was a Japanese Exclusive too is included. 95 of all important items are included. If you need something specific, add it to your order notes.
What is the default you send the game as? (if you don't leave a note at checkout)
Trainer & OT will be Ash. Gender Male. All Pokemon Shiny
Items will be rarest to find as well as events and everything maxed out.
Can you ship faster?
There is a lot that goes into shipping these games, we require to clean/refurbish everygame we sell and there are multiple steps we must do daily to get our games out on time. We cannot rush our game shipments sorry.