Ready to go back to 1998?!
We take a Pokemon Yellow Original (CANNOT BE FAKE) Nintendo copy for Gameboy and start a new game with your choice of trainer name! This time around, you will start with 151 Pokemon in your box and all items in your bag!
Tested and played Original store sold Pokémon Yellow for Gameboy Color cartridge.
All items.
All Pokemon in players PC box.
New game so you can start your adventure.
no box or case included, reach out after you order if you need one.
9 Business days max shipping. USPS Wordwide with tracking. We need to confirm your trainer name within 9 days of purchase.
Physical Game.
It will save for a limited time, we will try to get you the most stable or new battery that we can.
Will these save?
Yes. Before we enhance the game, we clean the cartridge as well as solder a new battery onto the games board. It will save again for the next 5-10 years.
How do I know this is authentic?
Besides taking our word for it, you can take it apart to see the new battery on a Nintendo board. Fakes do not have batteries.
What can I customize in this save?
Trainer name
Pokemon Blue, Red & Yellow do not have a shiny option. During those games, it was impossible to get shiny Pokemon.
What can I expect in the bag?
Unlike future Pokemon games, all items were saved all in the same place. We add 95 to each item that wont break the game. So Masterballs, Rare candy etc will have 95.
How do I find my Pokemon?
You need to go to the PC. The PC is a little different than previous versions. in the 90's saving and writing was a little different so you need to save the game before and after taking a look at your PC boxes.
What will I receive?
When you order one of our Enhanced Gameboy games, we take an older game and clean it - inside and out. We will clean the gold pins in ISO alcohol and solder a new Battery to the board so it will save for 5-10 years.
All Pokemon will be included as well as any items that do not break the game maxed out to 95. You will be at the start of the game so you can adventure as a Pokemon Master.
Can I transfer these Pokemon out?
Sure can! Check out our guide here.
This listing is of a used game with preloaded ingame items and content. What is included may change over time making photos, videos and listings outdated. If you need anything clarified, its best to ask after you order and when we reach out. Lootdelivered does not claim ownership of any trademark, IP or process.